Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse

No  white man could ever write an article like this  and live to tell about it.  A  Black Man, The Progressive's Perfect Trojan  HorseBy Lloyd  Marcus
    As  millions of my fellow Americans, I am outraged,  devastated and extremely angry by the democrat's  unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The  People.  Despite our screaming "no" from the  rooftops, they forced ObamaCare down our  throats.  Please forgive me for using the  following crude saying, but it is very appropriate  to describe what has happened.  "Don't  urinate on me and tell me it's raining."  Democrats  say their mission is to give all Americans health  care.  The democrats are lying.  Signing  ObamaCare into law against our will and the  Constitution is tyranny and step one of their  hideous goal of having as many Americans as  possible dependent on government, thus controlling  our lives and fulfilling Obama's promise to  fundamentally transform America  .
 I  keep asking myself.  How did our government  move so far from the normal procedures of getting  things done?  Could a white president have  so successfully pulled off shredding the  Constitution to further his agenda?  I think  not.
   Ironically, proving America is completely the  opposite of the evil racist country they  relentlessly accuse her of being, progressives  used America 's goodness, guilt and sense of fair  play against her.  In their quest to  destroy America as we know it, progressives  borrowed a brilliant scheme from Greek  mythology.  They offered America a modern day  Trojan Horse, a beautifully crafted golden shiny  new black man as a presidential candidate.   Democrat Joe Biden lauded Obama as the first clean  and articulate African American candidate.   Democrat Harry Reid said Obama only uses a black  dialect when he wants.
  White America relished the opportunity to vote for  a black man naively believing they would never  suffer the pain of being called racist  again.  Black Americans viewed casting their  vote for Obama as the ultimate Affirmative Action  for America 's sins of the past.   Then there were the entitlement loser voters who  said, "I'm  votin' for the black dude who promises to take  from those rich SOBs and give to  me."   Just as the  deceived Trojans dragged the beautifully crafted  Trojan Horse into Troy as a symbol of their  victory, deceived Americans embraced the  progressive's young, handsome, articulate and so  called moderate black presidential candidate as a  symbol of their liberation from accusation of  being a racist nation.  Also like the Trojan  Horse, Obama was filled with the enemy hiding  inside.   Sunday, March 21, 2010, a secret door opened in  Obama, the shiny golden black man.  A raging  army of democrats charged out.  Without  mercy, they began their vicious bloody slaughter  of every value, freedom and institution we  Americans hold dear; launching the end of America  as we know it.
   Wielding swords of votes reeking with the  putrid odor of back door deals, the democrats  landed a severe death blow to America and  individual rights by passing  ObamaCare.
  The  mainstream liberal media has been relentlessly  badgering the Tea Party movement with accusations  of racism.  Because I am a black tea party  patriot, I am bombarded with interviewers asking  me the same veiled question.  "Why are you  siding with these white racists against America 's  first African American president?"  I defend  my fellow patriots who are white stating, "These patriots do not  give a hoot about Obama's skin color.  They  simply love their country and oppose his radical  agenda.  Obama's race is not an  issue."
  Recently, I  have come to believe that perhaps I am wrong about  Obama's race not being an issue.  In reality,  Obama's presidency has everything to do with  racism, but not from the Tea Party  movement.   Progressives and Obama have exploited his race  from the rookie senator's virtually unchallenged  presidential campaign to his unprecedented  bullying of America into ObamaCare.  Obama's  race trumped all normal media scrutiny of him as a  presidential candidate and most recently even the  Constitution of the United States .  ObamaCare  forces all Americans to purchase health care which  is clearly unconstitutional.
  No  white president could get away with boldly and  arrogantly thwarting the will of the American  people and ignoring laws.  President Clinton  tried universal health care.  Bush tried  social security reform.  The American people  said "no" to both president's proposals and it was  the end of it.  So how can Obama get away  with giving the American people the finger?   The answer.  He is  black.
   The mainstream liberal media continues to  portray all who oppose Obama in any way as  racist.  Despite a list of failed policies,  overreaches into the private sector, violations of  the Constitution and planned destructive  legislation too numerous to mention in this  article, many Americans are still fearful of  criticizing our first black  president.
 My  fellow Americans, you must not continue to allow  yourselves to be "played" and intimidated by  Obama's race or the historical context of his  presidency.  If we are to save America , the  greatest nation on the planet, Obama's progressive  agenda must be stopped. Lloyd  Marcus (black) Unhyphenated  American, Singer/Songwriter, Entertainer, Author, Artist  & Tea Party Patriot, 2010  Lloyd Marcus - All Rights  ReservedShare  This With America  !!!
Lloyd  Marcus is one of the strongest voices in the Tea  Party  movement.

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